Focus on project

The key to life: Good training!

Learning for the future in Africa – the Muramba Training Centre in Rwanda makes it possible.

The 335 young men and women who are currently undergoing vocational training at Kolping are going to be electricians or car mechanics, tailors or bricklayers. Dadi Isingizwe is one of them: Aged 17, he is one of the youngest and attends the electrics course. He has a clear goal in mind: “I want to become the best electrical engineer in my province of Ngororero.” Aline Uwineza, who is the same age, adds: “Electricians are always needed. With this training, we will find a good job or start our own business later. I want to be able to support myself and be independent as a woman.” Serge Manirarora (18) receives training as a bricklayer; he skillfully places stone upon stone. What is his dream for the future? “I love designing and building which has always been my favourite hobby. After my training, I want to build houses for the future of Africa.”

Nobody here is talking about trying his or her luck abroad. They all want to return to their home districts and build up an independent life there. The head of the training centre, Ildephonse Mutuyimana, confirms this: “There is a great community spirit at our school. We try to convey to young people how important it is not only to develop themselves, but also to do something for people in our country.”

A good vocational training is key to an independent life! However, there are only a few state training centres and hardly any jobs in Rwanda, which makes the training provided at KOLPING Rwanda’s vocational training centre all the more sought-after. However, financing is a major challenge year after year. The state’s contribution to school fees is nowhere near enough to maintain high quality. KOLPING Rwanda is therefore urgently asking for help.

You can help these hard-working young people to complete their training well. Teaching material for the courses costs 50 euros. Urgently needed tools can be purchased for 80 euros. A good contribution for a monthly teacher’s salary is 130 euros. A heartfelt thank you from the trainees at Muramba Training Centre in Rwanda.

Keyword: “PFO-Muramba“ 


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