
A continent with a bright future

More often than not, the engagement and creativity of people in Africa is underestimated in Europe and is marked by the look at poverty or wars. However, those who get to know this part of the world better, see the enormous potential that exists in many countries in Africa. Unfortunately, Adolph Kolping has never been to Africa. He would have been delighted with the warmth, the curiosity and the energy of the people. Today Kolping is growing faster in Africa than on any other continent in the world.

The situation of the people

People in Africa are struggling with lots of climatic, economic and social problems. But Africa is currently undergoing a period of change. China or India have recognized the potential for the future of this continent long ago and are investing in infrastructure and exploitation of mineral resources. Many African countries are experiencing solid economic growth from which, however, broad sections of the population are far from benefitting. A large part of the Africans is young and full of energy to make something good out of their future. What is missing sometimes are support and finding someone who believes in them and their ideas.

KOLPING INTERNATIONAL has been cooperating with the Kolping Associations in Africa for more than 30 years. Help is not provided a little bit here and there in the scattergun approach, but through sustainable development of self-help structures in the cities, but mainly in rural areas – this is where most of the Africans live. Thus, many new things are being created that will sustainably improve the living conditions of the present and future generations on this emerging continent.

How we help


Adolph Kolping’s core idea – help for self-help – falls on fertile ground, particularly in Africa. Kolping formed many National Associations on the whole continent which offer their members a new future-orientated livelihood. The focus areas of the project work of Kolping are education, rural development and the granting of small loans.


Only those who have learnt something, see chances and perspectives for the future. Therefore, Kolping trains young people in a profession. The spectrum is large, ranging from repairing computers and mobile phones to classical professions like tailor, mechanic, cook or hairdresser.

Small loans

Small loans help to establish an own small business and earn money. A little financial impulse, a breeder animal or a single machine is often enough to lay the foundation for growth and development. The success and the high repayment rate speak for themselves.

Rural development

How do I use compost, which kind of fruits and vegetables grows best on my field? And why does a goat help me?

Kolping demonstrates how to increase yields using simple means. The farmers learn how to protect the soil from dryness and to market their yields in a better way.


A cistern helps the people in their daily life. They no longer have to walk for miles to the waterhole every day. Especially women and children benefit from it as it is traditionally their duty to get the water. Now, the children can go to school instead of dragging water. The farmers also have water for their fields.