Dear friends of Kolping,
You have certainly heard that a children’s hospital was destroyed by a Russian attack on Monday. Even for us, who have had to endure this war for more than two years, these images are particularly horrific. The massive missile strike on Kyiv was one of the most outrageous attacks to date.
I am writing to you today directly from Chernivtsi to draw your attention once again to the people in Ukraine. And I would like to thank you for your tireless help in these difficult times. That means an awful lot to us.
The situation in Ukraine is getting worse every day. There is not a single family left that is not mourning the loss of a father or brother, husband, uncle, cousin or close friend. Our daily lives are also becoming harder and harder. Even now in summer, when solar power generation is most effective, people across the country are living without electricity for 10 to 12 hours a day. This is particularly hard on children and old people who have not fled their homes.
In all the suffering, Kolping is true ray of hope. Donations and voluntary help allow us to continue sending aid to the Kolping Families. Children’s clothing, food and emergency generators are needed most urgently. In May, we drove 25 generators to the Kharkiv region. We are also trying to supply hospitals with bandages, medicines and equipment.
One trip at the end of June was particularly moving: we brought two tons of relief supplies to a boarding school for children with special needs in Pervomajsk. We had clothes, shoes, sweets and toys, fruit and beverages with us. The children’s joy was overwhelming: they helped unload the goods with great enthusiasm, were delighted to look at the gifts and were happy about every bar of chocolate and every single ball. God’s blessing and these encounters give us all the strength to carry on.
Unfortunately, the end of this nightmare is not yet in sight. Dear friend, please continue to stand by our side. Your donation will go directly to where you want to help: to the people in Ukraine.
Warmest regards,
Vasyl Savka
Kolping Ukraine
Managing Director
The latest news about Kolping aid in Ukraine can be found here.