Argentina: Kolping Families give private tuition

In Argentina, 13 Kolping Families tutor some 400 pupils who need to catch up on school.

The children have been taught on a hybrid schedule for months, which means that they go to school for one week and stay at home for remote learning in the following week. In the Buenos Aires region, children are still taught online at home. Many children are falling behind because they developed major gaps in their knowledge. In most cases, their parents cannot help. That is why volunteers offer private tuition for small groups of children who meet in Kolping Houses. As many as 396 students are not only tutored but they also get a warm meal funded from the KOLPING Corona Fund.

Kolping Families have noticed that more and more children are going hungry because in many families, money is tight and parents have become unemployed due to the pandemic. That is why Kolping Families buy snacks or even cook a warm lunch that the children have enough to eat and are strong enough to study and learn again.



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