International Executive Board


The International Executive Board is the governing body of the Association. It implements the decisions of the International Convention and of the International Board of Directors. The General Praeses and General Secretary are elected by the International Board of Directors for a period of ten years. A re-election is possible for additional six-year periods. The Managing Director is elected by the International Board of Directors for periods of six years. The five additional members of the International Executive Board are elected by the International Board of Directors for a period of four years. Here too re-elections are possible.

International Executive Committee

The International Executive Committee is the managing board of KOLPING INTERNATIONAL and its legal entities KOLPING INTERNATIONAL Cooperation e.V., KOLPING INTERNATIONAL Association e.V., and KOLPING INTERNATIONAL Foundation. It takes the steps required to implement the decisions of the International Executive Board, which it is accountable to.

Msgr. Christoph Huber
General Praeses

Tel. +49 (0)221-77880-12

Dr. Markus Demele
General Secretary
Vice Chairman

Tel. +49 (0)221-77880-14

Karin Wollgarten
Managing Director
Vice Chairman

Tel. +49 (0)221-77880-22

Additional members of the International Executive Board

Dancille Mujawamariya
Managing Director Kolping Rwanda

Erich Reischmann
National Chairman Kolping Switzerland

Fr. Maria Soosai Philiphose
National Chairman Kolping India

Rufino Rodríguez
National Secretary Kolping Honduras

Manuel Hörmeyer
Vice-president of Kolping Germany