Current news

Honduras: Kolping small producers become organic farmers

KOLPING Honduras is a rapidly growing association with many new ideas such as a new focus on ecology and sustainability. Laudato Si has become an integral part of agricultural training.

Sumba: First Kolping Families founded 25 years ago

An anniversary was celebrated by Kolping members on the Indonesian island of Sumba at the end of the year: On December 4, 1994 Redemptorist priest Hermann May from the Congregation of the Most Holy Redeemer (CSsR) founded the first two Kolping Families in Katiku Loku and Bondo Kodi on the island of Sumba.

“Querida Amazonia“ – mixed feelings

The post-synodal apostolic exhortation of Pope Francis on the situation in the Amazon region was eagerly awaited also in the General Secretariat.


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