Current news

Coronavirus pandemic

General Praeses Msgr. Ottmar Dillenburg comments on the corona pandemic: "We must now face and deal with in an open manner."

Kolping at the Dicastery for Laity, Family and Life

General Praeses Msgr. Ottmar Dillenburg and General Secretary Dr. Markus Demele used their visit to Rome for the preparations of the 2021 Pilgrimage commemorating the 30th Anniversary of Blessed Adolph Kolping’s beatification to cultivate contacts in the Vatican.

Zambia national association founded

Zambia is the 48th country to have a Kolping national association. In early January, General Praeses Msgr. Ottmar Dillenburg and Africa desk officer Volker Greulich travelled to Zambia for the official inauguration of the association consisting of 1,060 members with half of them being present at the ceremony.


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