Cameroon: Young people active in their summer holidays

The past few months have been extremely hard for young people due to the pandemic, any yet the Kolping Youth in the diocese of Edea is full of energy and initiated a holiday project: Meeting regularly at the Kolping House, they develop creative ideas for a hopefully better year 2022.

One of the rooms has been converted into a hairdresser’s shop. Here, young people can demonstrate what they have learned in their training. Others have a chance to try out their hairdressing skills for the first time.

The Kolping Youth wants to use the Kolping House also in the future to meet and to plan new activities. “This is a great project because we can meet and exchange ideas here. It helps us to learn from the experience of others“, say Simon and Suzanne enthusiastically. “We are proud of being members of Kolping and of helping to make this project a success!”