
Kolping in Benin: A woman’s testimony about the benefit of alphabetization.  

“My name is Noëllie SEVEDE, I am married and mother of five children. My main activity is the commercialization of agricultural produce like maize, soy and rice. Sometimes I also sell locally produced brooms. I am a member and president of the Kolping Family Za-Doutin (diocese Abomey).

One year ago, the Kolping Association established an alphabetization center in our village. After attending the course for six months, we were evaluated. And I must admit that the alphabetization courses have done me good. In the past, my incomes were not administered very well: I put together all the money earned from my sales without distributing it according to the different types of merchandise. Or, when I returned from the market, I counted on my fingers what I earned. Often I was totally lost with these calculations. It was also difficult for me to remember all the people who bought on credit as well as the respective amount the client owed.

Since attending the alphabetization courses, I note each credit sale in a notebook: the amount and the name of the person. Moreover, when I have sold all my goods, I take stock of the income and expenditures and then deduct the balance. This way I know whether I have made a profit or a loss.”


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