The Russian invasion of Ukraine has been going on for over a week now. “Our hearts and thoughts are with the people in Ukraine and with all those who have fled their embattled country in recent days. These people need our help and our prayers,” says Msgr. Christoph Huber, General Praeses of KOLPING INTERNATIONAL.
He therefore calls the worldwide Kolping community for a peace prayer on this Sunday. “Let us raise our voices to God for an early return to peace in Ukraine, for all people who suffer from the terrible war events and also for all those who help them in these days in such a committed way.”
All Kolping sisters and brothers worldwide are cordially invited to say the following prayer: “God, we call to You and ask You for peace and an end to the war in Ukraine. We ask You for courage and perseverance in helping. We ask You to bless the efforts for the good of the people and for our Kolping brothers and sisters.”