Pentecost: Message

A message from Msgr Christoph Huber, General Praeses of KOLPING INTERNATIONAL, on Pentecost:


“Dear Kolping sisters and brothers,

The Holy Spirit gave the disciples the strength to go and spread the message of the resurrection, with the gospel of Jesus. 175 years ago, Adolph Kolping founded his first Kolping Family here in Cologne, motivating people with his enthusiasm and spirit to do something against social misery. And today, 400,000 Kolping sisters and Kolping brothers around the world are going out, standing up for the message and putting it into practice in social action to make the world a better place. This surely is proof of the Holy Spirit that he was working then, that he has worked throughout time and continues to work today, and that he works with us, with Kolping. I therefore send you my warmest greetings for Pentecost. I do this by wishing you the presence of the Holy Spirit. At the same time, I request you to give this Spirit the space to make our world a little better and to enable us Kolping sisters and brothers to contribute our part to ensuring that the Spirit of God remains alive in this world. With this in mind, I wish you all a happy and blessed Pentecost.”



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