“The cisterns were a blessing for us!“

Since the year 2000, the construction of cisterns has been firmly established in the project work of Kolping in Brazil. In this project Kolping closely co-operates with the Brazilian Government. Under the guidance of experts, Kolping provides training to the families who will later be able to build the cisterns by themselves in guided workshops. Furthermore, Kolping gives advice as to a sensible use of the precious good. A cistern covers the water demand for the family’s own use for around 8 months. It was built next to the house so that long walks are no longer necessary.

The cisterns also have a social effect, says José Claudio da Silveira, president of the Kolping Family of Tijipió (Ceará): “The cisterns were a blessing for us. We built them together, we were always four families and a bricklayer. Everybody worked together on the cistern of one family until everybody had a cistern. This helped develop a sense of community.“

But providing the cisterns alone is not enough. The Kolping Society of Brazil also carries out training measures about water and provides help to cope with life in the dry zone.

More information

Please feel free to contact spenden@kolping.net