
Miracle goat’s dung: with organic fertilizer into self-employment

The presidential republic of Burundi is a predominantly Catholic country which is characterized by an active civil society. The small country even achieved a leading position in achieving the Millennium Development Goal on education. Burundi has repeatedly faced conflicts and violence but it has lots of potential. Although it is the sixth poorest country in the world, it can do economic wonders mainly through livestock farming thus ensuring the children’s education.

Kolping in Burundi

Since the foundation of the National Association Burundi in the year 2012, 5.020 members have been working with the aim of achieving a sustainable economic future. The 96 Kolping Families are mainly engaged in the field of rural development. Almost 90% of the population relies on subsistence farming. Due to the high population density, farmers must harvest as much as possible from the smallest possible land surface. Kolping focuses on the following areas to improve the living conditions:


Rural Development

Small Credits

Associational Work

“Now my children are going to school!”

Dionisi Bizimana from the Kolping Family Nyarunsange has made it: Thanks to Kolping he now has a house of his own and is able to send his seven children to school. Through the purchase of some goats and a cow, and through crop farming which was possible thanks to a small loan granted by Kolping, he can now enable his family to live a good life. Dionisi utilizes the goats’ dung to fertilize the fruit plants and vegetables on his field. He has recently extended his house covering the roof with roof tiles. His next aim is to run a village inn.

Since the National Association was founded, KOLPING INTERNATIONAL has helped with providing secure income for the Kolping Families in Burundi through goat breeding, small loans and vocational training programmes. The products of the goats can be consumed and sold whilst the dung is processed into precious organic fertilizer. This is how the Kolping members can build up their economic future and set up their own business.


Progress thanks to goats: Kolping in Burundi


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