
The family continues to grow

Uganda is one of the poorest countries in East Africa but it has enormous potential. After having been affected by dictatorship, riots and terror during many decades, the country has now become a stable republic with a positive development. As a global exporter of coffee and bananas Uganda belongs to the emerging countries in East Africa.

Kolping in Uganda


The National Kolping Association Uganda was founded in 1980. It now has 13.390 members, organized in 446 Kolping Families. They are committed in many ways to ensuring that people in Uganda have a solid economic future.

Therefore, KOLPING INTERNATIONAL promotes a series of promising promotion programs. The focus is on:


Rural Development

Small Credits


Thanks to Kolping I am my own boss!

The Kolping Society of Uganda has initiated the “Work Opportunity Programme” in the capital Kampala that especially addresses young people aged between 18 and 30 who live on the edge of society. They shall be enabled to have a good start in their working life. In courses lasting four to six months they learn a trade and then they can look for employment or start their own business.

Edward learnt about the vocational training offered by Kolping in Kampala by chance. All at once he dared to make plans, since he had always been interested in motorcycles. When he got the chance to start a vocational training as a mechanic, he took it. “After having completed the vocational training, I worked in different motorcycle workshops in Kampala, besides I busied myself with the repair of other vehicles.” His next project is to open up his own workshop with good transport links to Kampala. It should preferably be situated in his district where he already has a well-established customer base.

“I am grateful for the skills acquired through WOP, because I can now earn my living as a self-employed mechanic”, says Edward Skibuule.


Future through training: Kolping in Uganda


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