With a population of 100 million people, the archipelago which is named after the Spanish King Philipp II is one of the most densely populated states in the world. However, the Philippines is one of the economically weakest nations in South-East Asia.

Kolping in the Philippines
Since the National Association was founded in 1996 2,172 members have been organized in 56 Kolping Families across the country, they are mainly Catholic. Kolping focuses on:
Thanks to training on the home straight

Edalyn San Gabriel is actually a teacher for electrical engineering. She has now started a further training as an instructor in the Kolping vocational training center. “There are currently changes in our school system and all teachers must have additional qualifications as of now that they can impart to their pupils, but this further training is expensive. I have two children and from my salary almost nothing remains for the necessary training and without the qualification I would lose my job. Therefore, I am very grateful for the Kolping scholarship. Apart from that Kolping is my first choice when it comes to training, because the workshop is much better equipped than anywhere else. Moreover, I like it that Kolping is being connected to the Church, this is why I really like to come here.”
On the more than 7,000 islands Kolping does a good job. In different ways we accompany and promote our members on their way to self-employment.