In the recent past, the country’s economic growth rates were very positive. In no other EU country has unemployment been so low. The Czech Republic is combatting poverty of its citizens very effectively. Like other former countries of the Eastern bloc, the Czech Republic sought profound advice from the World Bank for the reconstruction of its social system and oriented itself on the development programme of the United Nations.

Kolping in the Czech Republic
In the Czech Republic, 849 Kolping members in 39 Kolping Families are currently active.
Temporary protection and a second life

The Kolping Family “Praha 8“ has been supporting a very successful project for a long time: a women’s refuge that offers three social services: a shelter, social services for families and crisis support. Vulnerable families in an emergency situation are the target group. This aid is organised with the aim of being long-term and comprehensive.
In the shelter the Kolping Family has the task to offer accommodation to the arrivals, to stabilise the social and financial situation of the affected persons, to promote the development of their capacities in the area of household and child care as well as their working capacities, to give basic orientation in the field of citizens´ rights and duties and to accompany their way back into a normal environment in the end.
Generally, the affected persons stay in the shelter for one year and make a moderate financial contribution for their stay, too.
Thanks to their warm-hearted commitment the Kolping sisters and brothers have already been able to help many women and children get out of a difficult situation.