
Together for a social society

Despite its small size the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg is a sovereign and independent state with a remarkably rich history. Situated in the heart of Europe, between France, Belgium and Germany, it had a stake in the big European developments. This parliamentarian democracy has a special feature: It is currently the only Grand Duchy in the world. Social consensus and dialog are considered very important in Luxembourg. For some years, Luxembourg has been one of the countries that are most active in the field of public development aid.

Kolping in Luxembourg


The Kolping Society of Luxembourg was founded in 1957 and now has 70 members. The two Kolping Families mainly focus on providing social aid. Through garment collecting activities, events and donations, members commit themselves on a voluntary basis for a more social society.

Examples of project work are improved quality of life, creation of training places for youths, medical care, rural development and education.

Welfare Programs

Associational Work

Personal testimony for peace

Each year Kolping Europe organizes a cross border peace hike. It is the oldest regularly conducted and much frequented event of the Kolping association in Europe. Kolping members from different European countries are joining to hike, pray and celebrate together in a European city.

The peace hike was created after World War II to establish a connection between people of formerly antagonized nations and to take steps together for a durable peace. It is also an appeal to all Kolping members to be the social conscience and to demonstrate this not only by words but through concrete actions.

In 2019 the 52nd international peace hike will take place, this time in Vianden (Luxembourg). More information and possibility to register under:

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