Bolivia has been undergoing a period of transition for a couple of years. The country’s explicit goal is to combat poverty and to achieve a sustainable economic growth. Progress was made especially in the areas of education and health. But poverty is still prevailing in Bolivia’s every day life. Especially rural areas are affected by poverty.

Kolping in Bolivia
The National Association in Bolivia was founded on 26 November 1983 and the 5,369 members are organized in 133 Kolping Families. Kolping Bolivia is engaged in the following fields:
Passion for gastronomy

The 23-year old Jorge is proud: He has finally completed his training course in the catering area. “Before joining this course I was registered at the Faculty of Economics. I could not continue my studies due to lack of money and found myself without a place to study, without a job and with no orientation. Then I came across the Kolping Foundation which runs courses in the frame of their youth programme “FAUTAPO“. I applied for this programme because I like the catering branch. I was accepted at Kolping and got the chance to make something out of my life”.
“I fancied this occupation right from the beginning of my training, and my passion for the catering sector grew every day. I realized that this was what I really wanted to do. I was happy that I could learn the trade which I fancy”!
“Thanks to Kolping I can now do what I like to do, and this is why I decided to kick-start my own company – “VIP EVENTOS CATERING GOURMET“. At my company I organize courses for small groups that fancy cooking. I also cater for parties. The catering branch is an expensive one, but I hope to be able to specialize further. Kolping has given me the opportunity to develop my skills further“.