The Republic of Nicaragua is a relatively small country with 6.3 million inhabitants. Like its neighbouring country Honduras, Nicaragua is one of the poorest countries in Latin America. This is also due to the precarious education situation: 91 % of the children attend a primary school, but only 41 % complete their schooling.

Kolping in Nicaragua
The National Association of Kolping Nicaragua was founded at the beginning of the 21st century, on 19 February 2000. The first Kolping Family, however, had already been initiated in the early 90s. Until today 232 members are organized in 10 Kolping Families and stand up together for a more just future in the following areas:
New methods, good yields

In cooperation with Caritas Nicaragua, Kolping supports a programme to plant and cultivate vegetable gardens. The planting techniques and the cultivation of a diverse range of plants help improve the living conditions. The example of José Noel García from Espíritu Santo demonstrates that this project is successful. Together with his family, he replanted his field and changed the cultivation method. This ensures that he and his family can now make a living from the yields of his vegetable garden.