After Uruguay had struggled for decades with an ailing economy and a military rule, the country is now experiencing an economic upswing. However, the education system is still poor and characterized by cancelled classes at school, shortage of material, and a high number of school drop-outs. As a consequence, Uruguay has a shortage of technical experts and a high unemployment rate.

Kolping in Uruguay
The National Association in Uruguay was founded on 28 October 1989. It has 1,093 members who are organized in 25 Kolping Families. The activities of Kolping Uruguay focus on:
Opportunities in hotel business

For years, Kolping Uruguay has been very successful in the qualification of hotel and tourism experts: Inspired by European models, the Kolping school of hotel management offers dual training courses that are split into theory (40%) and practice (60%).
The training offered by Kolping is characterized by its own hotel for the implementation of the training courses. Trainees can gain practical experience there. Thanks to the cooperation with the hotel management school of Sevilla, young people get the possibility to gather work experience in Europe and to obtain a European qualification. Alva Sueiras, head of the Kolping training centre, emphasizes: “We want to train experts who even when they work at the reception know how long it takes until a room is prepared because they themselves cleaned rooms, too.”