“The trade unions of the world including mine, IG BAU in Germany, run their own solidarity and development programmes. But it is very important for trade-unionists like me that organisations like KOLPING INTERNATIONAL – stemming from a partially or sometimes totally different background – are also active around the globe. Where our voice is ignored or gagged by some governments, they still are able to flag the general importance of human rights, solidarity and social justice for the development. And they do so. The methods and instruments applied by KOLPING INTERNATIONAL often differ from ours. But we share many goals. And what I like most – our good cooperation here in Germany when it comes to critical themes like a better labour inspection, just wages and better conditions for the most vulnerable persons in our society, including the migrant workers. The ambiguity that you may find in some other organisations based in richer countries – pointing the finger to some bad conditions in other countries while being silent about nearly similar things at home – is definitely not the policy of KOLPING International. So, congratulations on your 50th anniversary and keep on!”
Frank Schmidt-Hullmann, Head of Department, Industrial Union Construction, Agriculture, Environment (IG BAU)