50 representatives from 16 European Kolping Societies held their meeting in Lviv / Ukraine
This year’s Membership Meeting of the Kolping Society of Europe was held this weekend in Lviv in Ukraine, with approximately 50 representatives from 16 European Kolping Societies.
In terms of content, the delegates of this meeting primarily talked about the increasingly limited scope for non-governmental organizations and the current challenges of civil societies.
The delegates of Kolping Europe also discussed about and adopted a declaration by the German Kolping Society on “Fighting the causes for refugee movements as a global challenge”.
According to the Statutes it was also necessary to elect a new Board this year. The following persons were newly elected to the Board of Directors: Uli Vollmer (Germany) as European Secretary, Renate Draskovits (Austria) and Vasyl Savka (Ukraine) as Vice Presidents. During the Church service in the Cathedral of Lviv, the leaving Board members, Lina Kalibataite from Lithuania and Otto von Dellemann from South Tyrol, received the badge of honour of the Kolping Society of Europe. It was unanimously agreed that next year’s Continental Convention shall be held in Kaunas, Lithuania.