End shrinking space! Civil society must be allowed to be critical VENRO signs Belgrade Civil Society Call
End shrinking space! This is demanded by the Association Development Policy and Humanitarian Aid (VENRO) at yesterday’s “Civil Society Summit” in the Serbian capital Belgrade.
VENRO, one member of which is KOLPING INTERNATIONAL, signed a common “Call to Action” where civil society organizations from all over the world demand concrete measures to protect the civil society and its political scopes for action. Reason for the call was the increasing limitation of civil societies’ work worldwide.
The recent revocation of the non-profit status of the civil society organization ATTAC showed that the scopes for action of the civil society is increasingly limited also in Europe.
Pressemeldung VENRO: Schluss mit Shrinking Space!
Belgrader „Call for Action“ (eng., pdf)
VENRO-Positionspapier „Demokratie braucht eine starke Zivilgesellschaft“ (pdf)