Kenya: Fighting hunger with plant bags

In Kenya hunger is now successfully fought with small, inconspicuous green bags that contain some holes. They may be small in size but have a great effect: Many crops can be harvested on very little space with very little water. Few efforts have to be made to harvest plenty of crops and to contribute to food security. 

These bags are very practical because they require very little space and can be located next to the house or in urban areas on balconies. Within a few days the first green seedlings will emerge, after a few weeks the plants will grow through the holes in the bag and can then be harvested. Vegetables such as salad, spinach and onions grow extremely well in those bags. The grow bags consist of robust material and a very durable. They are inexpensive and can be reused again and again by filling them with fresh potting soil.

In Kenya 112 members from 21 Kolping Families in the dioceses of Kitui, Machakos and Nairobi were trained last year in how to use those grow bags. This year this successful project will continue.