Kolping Malawi established as national organization

Great joy in Malawi: The local Kolping association was elevated to the status of a national organization last weekend! General Praeses Msgr. Christoph Huber and desk officer Volker Greulich had travelled all the way from Germany to Chipita in the diocese of Karonga to attend the celebrations.

The Kolping Society of Malawi was officially established as a national organization during a church service on Sunday 19 March. National Praeses Father Lorent Dziko was visibly pleased when General Praeses Huber officially presented him with the statutes adopted the day before and a Kolping scapular. Bishop Martin Mtumbuka, who initiated the foundation of the association in 2016, was also present at the ceremony.

“Setting up a Kolping organization here in Malawi has been hard work. But when I see the growth of a community inspired by a new spirit and actively addressing the pressing issue of food security, I know it is worth the effort,” the Bishop of Karonga said at the time.

Since then, the hard work has visibly paid off: there are now 1,010 members in 56 Kolping Families in Malawi who have already been successfully helped by KOLPING to increase their agricultural output thanks to the allocation of goats and training in compost production and the improvement of cultivation methods.




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