Mr Felix Kafula is a catechist of St Margret Parish in the Archdiocese of Kasama and belongs to the local Kolping Family. He does not only convince people by preaching the word of God, but also through the testimony of his life and hard work.
His fields, where he grows maize organically, are impressive. For better harvest Mr Felix Kafula mixes pig and goat manure and puts it on the field. The manure boosts the growth of the maize thus yielding two to three times as much. Kolping brother Felix Kafula sees many advantages in using organic farming: “I save a lot of money. Organic farming is environmentally friendly and I call it ‘farming in God’s way’.” Maize is more resistant to drought than crops grown with chemical fertilizers. Organic maize weighs more and is more nutritious and much healthier for human consumption.