Transparency and control


KOLPING INTERNATIONAL Cooperation e.V. has an independent Ombudsperson who deals with all external and internal complaints. This gives all those involved and interested in the work of KOLPING INTERNATIONAL Cooperation e.V. the opportunity to contact a person in a protected form and to report neglect or violations in the work of KOLPING INTERNATIONAL Cooperation e.V. and those responsible for it.


The current Ombudsperson of KOLPING INTERNATIONAL Cooperation e.V. is Dr. Martin Bröckelmann-Simon. He can be reached by Email at This address is accessible only to the Ombudsperson, so that complaints can be submitted to the Ombudsperson without the knowledge of the executive board or employees of KOLPING INTERNATIONAL Cooperation e.V.

The Ombudsperson is elected by the Membership Meeting for a term of three years. The rules of procedure (available for download below) specify how the Ombudsperson performs his or her duties. They describe his/her responsibilities as follows:

“The Ombudsperson is the contact person in both internal and external matters of complaint. The Ombudsperson may be contacted to report incidents that give rise to suspicion of violations by members and employees of KOLPING INTERNATIONAL Cooperation e.V. as well as by their donors, contract partners or other stakeholders, under criminal law or public services law. The Ombudsperson investigates, in particular, indications and complaints that suggest corruption or offences regarding assets or property. The Ombudsperson forwards all cases relating to sexual abuse of minors and vulnerable adults to the Safeguarding Officer of KOLPING INTERNATIONAL Cooperation e.V.

Following the spirit of the guidelines of the German Central Institute for Social Issues (DZI – Deutsches Zentralinstitut für soziale Fragen), the central task of the Ombudsperson is to receive hints and complaints without the complainants experiencing any disadvantages as a result.”