East Timor

SECURING INCOME WITH education and small credits

Timor-Leste (or East Timor), which has only been independent since 2002, does have income from oil and gas deposits. Nevertheless, half of the population lives below the poverty line – the vast majority of them in rural areas. Many families have to make their living in the self-sufficiency sector. Permanent jobs are almost non-existent. Outside of the capital Dili, the infrastructure is also poorly developed. Two thirds of the population have no access to electricity. There are also deficits in education. The literacy rate of the over 15-year-olds, for example, is only 42 percent. Major challenges for a comparatively young nation: more than 40 percent of the inhabitants are young people.

Kolping in East Timor


KOLPING Timor-Leste is present in all three dioceses of the country (Dili, Baucau and Maliana). The National Office is based in Lospalos/Lautem in the diocese of Baucau. Since the first Kolping Families were founded in 1999, the Asian association has been growing continuously. 1,541 Kolping members are now involved in 140 Kolping Families. In October 2022, KOLPING Timor-Leste was solemnly declared a national association during a visit by General Praeses Msgr Christoph Huber. Project priorities in the field are short-term vocational training (for example in the processing of coconut oil) and the promotion of small businesses through small credits.

The focus of work is on:

Small Credits

Associational Work


More information

Please feel free to contact: spenden@kolping.net

Up-to-date information from Timor-Leste:
