Albania is a diverse country, with a population consisting of Muslims (70%), Greco-orthodox (20%) and Catholics (10%). It has successfully achieved a tolerant coexistence of the different religions. Albania has also completed successfully a harmonious transition from a communist to a market-oriented economy system. Although it is classified as a middle-income state, it is one of the poorest countries in Europe.

Kolping in Albania
In the rather small country Kolping organizes its 100 members in 3 Kolping Families since the National Association was founded on 17 October 1998. Due to a lack of social support by the state the projects focus on social aid and are addressed in particular to young people and single mothers in need.
A strong voice for the youth

Radio Pulla (in English: Radio ”button“) is the best example that a minor start-up assistance can have a major effect. The youth group based in Shkoder had already been socially active before the project started. But through the radio project “Radio Pulla“ they were given a voice and made topics heard which young people in Albania are interested in. Thanks to a start-up funding it was possible to acquire little equipment for the radio to start off, and the radio could go online. What about social exclusion? Why is youth unemployment so high? Why is social commitment so tremendously important?
Since Radio Pulla started off, these and other issues are addressed on a regular basis. In trainings the youths can improve their computer and technical skills before they enter the job market. That way, the youths are not only given a voice, but they are also prepared for their future career. Hence two goals are reached at once with the project. We take our hats off and appreciate that the project is a successful project!