It is a long journey which Pope Francis asked the Church to embark on in 2021. All parishes, dioceses and associations worldwide are to deliberate on what a church of the future must look like if we are to respond more to the call of Jesus.
In a first phase, local churches in various countries met for consultations and sent their feedback to the Vatican. KOLPING INTERNATIONAL also became involved and sent a text to Rome. From the feedback, the Synod Secretariat then produced a document that was used to hold synodal meetings at continental levels.
Representing Kolping Bolivia, Cristina Vanegas Carrillo from Chuquisaca attended the meeting for Latin America in Ecuador. “One of the issues that touched me deeply as a baptised and committed woman is that this synodal process addresses the situation of women and seeks to give greater recognition to the active role women play in society and in the Church. Yes, it is possible to redefine the current role of women and to question the current conditions and structures of the Church in relation to women today,” writes Cristina in her report after the meeting.
All over the world, Kolping sisters and brothers are struggling in synodal assemblies to build a church where all people gladly follow the call of Jesus. It goes without saying that our contribution to the future of the Church is based on 170 years of experience in the history of Kolping as an association, which are marked by equal rights, democracy, equality and participation. Kolping will continue to play its part in the upcoming assemblies in Rome until 2024.