
From day labourer to business owner – Kolping creates prospects

India is one of the strongest expanding economies in the world. With just over 1.4 billion inhabitants, it is the most populous country in the world after China. This poses enormous problems for the Indian state, especially with regard to poverty reduction and educational deficits. In addition, the gap between rich and poor is immense; in many social indicators, the country is far behind the average values of sub-Saharan Africa.

Kolping in India


KOLPING India was founded in March 1981 and has experienced enormous growth since then. The National Association now has over 40,000 members who are organised in about 3,300 Kolping Families. India is therefore the National Association with the largest number of members after Germany. Over 90 percent of the members are women. KOLPING India’s work focuses on income-generating measures, especially the promotion of small businesses through microcredits and educational activities. In addition, the association is involved in areas that are as diverse as the country itself:


Rural Development

Small Credits

Housing Program

Things improved with the help of the savings group

Selva Rani shows that even a small stone can set off an avalanche. Her husband is a locksmith and has a very low income. Before Selva joined Kolping, she was exclusively taking care of her children. But then, she got to know Kolping and became part of the savings group. She received a small credit of 70 euros and with this help she was selling sweets and fruits in front of a school. With these earnings she was soon able to rent a small shop. Now, she is the proud owner of a store and gains between a 100 and 130 euros per month. Thus, she can feed her family well. “I am very grateful to the Kolping Society that we could develop socially and economically!”

The assistance that Kolping provides together with the Families on the spot is as diverse as the country itself. Selva Rani is only one of many success stories. We are working together so that even more Kolping Families can build up an own existence.


Small loans make women strong: Kolping in India


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