Germany-Lithuania: 30 years of diplomatic relations

It will be as many as three decades this year since Germany and Lithuania established diplomatic relations after the fall of the Iron Curtain. Looking back on these 30 years, what impact have these relations had on citizens, non-governmental organizations, religious and cultural associations, and on businesses?

The Konrad Adenauer Foundation and KOLPING Lithuania explored this question in an online format. Participants included German Ambassador to Lithuania Matthias Sonn, Bishop Bertram Meier from Augsburg, National Secretary Lina Kalibataitė (KOLPING Lithuania) and General Secretary of KOLPING INTERNATIONAL, Dr. Markus Demele.

“Diplomatic relations thrive on knowing each other and talking to one another,” Dr. Demele emphasized. “Kolping as an association is such a place of exchange and has built ties between Lithuania and Germany for decades. So we also feel like a small, civil society part of the diplomatic relations between our countries.”


KOLPING in Germany

KOLPING in Lithuania